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Next 50 Years & Sparkle


Denny Carter

Denny Carter gave his Icebreaker speech tonight. He was born in Roseburg Oregon in 1969 and loved building tree forts. For his first fifty years he has learned through personal relations not social media. His passions are fitness and health. His background as a business major and a car mechanic lead to a career at Les Schaub as a claims adjustor. He enjoys hunting in Idaho, and has incredible memories with the ones he loves.



Lorelei Kryzanek

Lorelei Kryzanek loves Christmas, and will do whatever it takes to make the season special and create lasting memories for her children. She admits that this time of year can be hard on the body and mind, so you need to be the SPARKLE. Sparkle in everyone’s life and bring them joy. Think of “Jingle all the way” not “Jingle until the end of December”. One thing is certain, Lorelei certainly brings the sparkle to our Toastmaster’s club.

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